Wednesday, February 29, 2012

the time has come

the seventh baby is now on the ground- a tiny buckskin filly! in keeping with the country singer theme for names, she's been names Cline (for Patsy).

it's official- we've inseminated the first mare of the season! after two nights of getting up at 2am to check to see if she'd ovulated, we finally bred her with frozen semen from CD Olena this morning.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

it's been a while

saturday marked the day we had baby #5. a black colt who is taller than my hip at his withers! "cash" is all leg and just a wee bit of body! monday, cash was still having some joint stiffness in his back end, so we have him some banamine. that seemed to be the trick, because he was trotting after his momma the next day!

we have 5 mares up in the barn to ensure that we won't miss anything and have babies born out in the pasture. madonna or bailey will probably be the next ones to burst!

I've also moved out of the bunkhouse to a house closer to the mare barns. it took me many trips to finally get everything moved. that was yesterday, and by this afternoon, enough snow had melted for me to move my car to this house too! I'm working on getting settled back in, but I'm lacking some motivation to unpack!

the weather doesn't seem to care that I'm not in kansas anymore! It's been blowing hard all day, and it's so gusty right now, it sounds like whistling while im sitting here in the living room!!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

single digits

when i checked the weather this morning, it was 31 in newville and 7 in douglas. it's supposed to "warm rapidly into the 30s", but i'm not buying it! bring on the cold, wyoming. i've been waiting for the winter that so many people had to warn me about.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

left out

i just realized that i posted on monday around 8:00 about only having 2 foals. we're at 3 now!! tenina popped dolly out around 10:00 on monday night! she's palomino with a pretty cool blaze, and a couple jagged-edged socks. dolly has been our easiest, smartest baby so far! we were out of the barn by 11:00 that night. it took her MAYBE 20 minutes to stand, and then it was only a few minutes until she nursed. so, we are working on halter breaking all 3 of those babies. they're all coming along nicely now.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

beautiful day in the neighborhood

After a cloud-covered day yesterday, our Saturday has turned out to be pretty perfect! I even took advantage of the weather and went for a run. I had the day off today, so im catching up on laundry, paying bills, and trying to stay busy! I sound like a grown-up (almost).

Friday, February 3, 2012

6 more weeks of winter?!

i'm not even sure if punxsutawney phil's predictions work in the mountain time zone, but he certainly made that prediction accurately. we have an inch of snow on the ground this morning! while i've enjoyed the 50 degree weather we've had here this week, i am looking forward to some frozen ground. the pastures have started to turn into muddy messes, and we've had to drive in 4 wheel drive just to get through the mud ruts the feed truck has created!

this week we moved mares around, so we have the mares due in march closer to the barn. while we were sorting mares, we went ahead and gave vaccines to all of the mares and dewormed the ones that needed it. i must say i am glad that it was warm the day we did that!

our yearlings returned to the pasture with their dear friends, and they were SO glad to leave that tiny little pen. poor bambi went head over heels over an irrigation ditch as they were all galloping as fast as they could to get back to their buddies! 

it's cold today, so i'm betting rita finds a bunch of stuff for us to do inside. we've also started halter breaking the baby babies. little waylon is catching on quickly, but merle and dolly are a little less interested in doing such a silly thing as walk with a two-legger.